
It is biblical to reflect often. We make decisions under pressure, and sometimes in a hurry. Reflection allows us to analyze our decisions, or simply to look back and measure where we have been and what we have learned. I recently went through a 21 day Daniel fast. I have taken the opportunity to look back and reflect on what I believe was key to the fulfillment of my fast and what I believe God said to me at that time. Whatever God say to you, don't forget it. When the Spirit of God speaks to you, trust me, it is going to be important enough for you to listen. Think about it this way, when you are driving to a new destination using GPS, you depend on it to navigate you to your destination. If you don't follow your GPS, you might arrive at the wrong place, at the wrong time. In the same way, God wants to lead and guide you to a pre-determined destination. Your destination will be a new season with a fresh anointing which will enable you to accomplish more than you could have ever imagined. What does He get from all of this? He gets the glory!

New You New Habits

It is said that doing something for 21 days creates a new habit. If that's true, you have taken your relationship with God to a whole new level. The last few weeks of fasting and praying took you into the most holy of holies of encounter with the Spirit of God. The fire of God is on your lips, in your heart, and in your spirit. You have fanned the flames of the gifts of the Spirit. As you stand on the pinnacle of your breakthrough to the new you, think about what is next. Will you return to your old ways and habits, or will you stretch your faith enough to walk out onto the ridge where you can see for miles in the Spirit? As you stand there and take it all in, don't forget that this is your reward for doing what others only think about. I don't know about you, but some of what I am fasting about has already happened. Furthermore, I have gotten confirmation about the rest. Like you, I have been rewarded for taking the journey. Like you, I must decide what is next. Will I return to my old ways and habits? Will I be satisfied to say that I completed another 21 days of fasting and prayer? Or will I stretch my faith to another level? Well, I like the new me better than the old me. I like that old guy; he wasn't to bad. However, the next level is mines to grab and I have labored to hard to walk away. So goodbye old, hello new.

Countdown to a new you!

If you have taken the journey of the 21 days of fasting and praying to a new you, the end is near! Congrats on taking the journey. You truly have the heart of a champion. In my initial blog, I asked you to keep in front of you the reason why you were beginning your fast. Whatever compelled you to move in a divine direction for a great move of God in your life, you are closer than you have ever been to realizing your heart's desire. So get brace for your blessing. God honors faithfulness. He rewards those who diligently seek Him. An extended fast and prayer is a holy sacrifice to all mighty God. It's the kind of sacrifice that many don't make. If you did, that places you among an elite group of believers who know how to get God's attention. We all know that when we get the attention of someone we think is important, we try to make the most of the moment because it is an opportunity to important to waste. God is looking in your direction; you have shown Him that you are serious about your dedication and devotion. What will you do and say now that the eternal throne of God is looking directly at you?

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Pastor Loyd Johnson


6650 Buena Vista Road

Columbus, GA  31907   




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