Stepping Up for Grace

There is a key ingredient we all need to maintain our upward trajectory of faith, and that key ingredient is called "GRACE." When you step up your faith, occasionally you will stumble & fall. Grace picks you up when you fall. Trying to take your faith to the next level without incorporating grace is a waste. In a few minutes, I'll tell you why! The word GRACE is only found in the vocabulary of the church. You won’t find it used in high school or college, you won't find it used in your profession or vocation. Grace or Klar` ece commonly means unmerited, or undeserved favor! The grace of God is more than we deserve, and greater than we can imagine. This isn’t the wimpy grace that politely occupies a phrase in a hymn song or fit nicely on a Church sign; this grace is a trouble maker; it turns your world upside down & inside out; this grace will invade your privacy; this grace will forever change your life!

GRACE is a gift of God that cannot be earned! In Ephesians 2:8, 9, For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith — and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast. You earn your degrees... Build your business with sweat & tears.... When you work hard to succeed, those are proud moments of accomplishments       because of your hard work. God gets the glory, but you get the credit... If you don't do the work, you don't get the credit. But you don't earn God's Eph. 2:8, 9 Work says do, GRACE says done! Grace is more than we deserve, and greater than we can imagine. So when you mess up, GRACE says you can fess up. I need to fess up my mess ups often....because at every level of my faith, I falter. Remember, taking your faith to the next level is becoming more like Jesus, and I am a long way from being like Jesus. This is why I said, "trying to take your faith to the next level without incorporating grace is a waste." When you don't incorporate GRACE in your upward trajectory of faith, You falter to feelings of condemnation, guilt, doubt, & unbelief. You need to know that when you mess up, grace says you can get back up! GRACE is God's Riches At Christ's Expense. GRACE is amazing because it is more than we deserve & greater than we can imagine, but it came at a high price. The cost was the precious blood of Jesus. His blood wasn't taken with a syringe by a competent was brutal. It was horrific; it was bloody; it was unforgettable for all who witnessed it. The Bible warns us not to.. "set aside the grace of God."   Gal. 2:21. "For if righteousness could be gained through the law, Christ died for nothing!"

If we could grow our faith with mere human efforts, GRACE wouldn't be needed. We wouldn’t be able to fully comprehend the riches of God's grace if Christ hadn’t demonstrated it on the cross. He died so that you could live. He was rejected so that you could be accepted.

GRACE is the gospel of another chance. Romans 3:23, 24: 23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, 24 being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, I faltered a long time ago, but grace gave me another chance. Grace gives you time & space to get right with God. Grace will conquer a multitudes of mess ups in your life. God wants you to leave here today walking in His GRACE. He wants you liberated by Grace.... God is inviting you today, to step up for GRACE. Taking your faith to the next level is the TRANFORMATION OF GRACE....God wants you to step up for GRACE, & invite others to the table of GRACE. There is more than enough GRACE to go around


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Pastor Loyd Johnson


6650 Buena Vista Road

Columbus, GA  31907   




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